Common Forms

You probably like forms just as much as we do, but to participate in programs and move the process along quickly, we need accurate paperwork. You can find all Farm Service Agency (FSA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and Risk Management Agency (RMA) forms on USDA’s eForms database. Below are some common ones.

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Underlined Header Customer Data Worksheet Underlined Paragraph Content

AD-2047 is our Customer Data Worksheet that enables you to update your information with us, including your contact and demographic information. Last updated: 01-08-2024.

Underlined Header Farm Operating Plan Underlined Paragraph Content

Your local Farm Service Agency representative assists you to complete a Farm Operating Plan (CCC-902). There are plans for individuals (i) and entities (e) available. Last updated: 01-07-2021.

Underlined Header Member’s Information Form Underlined Paragraph Content

If you are a legal entity, a Member’s Information form (CCC-901) is used to collect member names, contact information and tax identification numbers. Last updated: 01-07-2021.

Program Eligibility

Underlined Header FSA Apply Now Packets Underlined Paragraph Content

The Farm Service Agency (FSA) Apply Now Eligibility Packets include many of the eligibility forms needed to participate in USDA programs. Specific programs will also have a program application and may have additional program eligibility forms that need to be completed. Contact your local USDA Service Center for assistance.

Underlined Header Conservation Compliance Underlined Paragraph Content

To be eligible for USDA programs and crop insurance, you must meet conservation compliance, which is done by having a Highly Erodible Land Conservation and Wetland Conservation Certification (AD-1026) on file. Typically, this only has to be done once. Learn more about conservation compliance. Last updated: 10-30-2014.

Underlined Header Income and Tax Information Underlined Paragraph Content

To participate in many programs, you can’t have an adjusted gross income of more than 900,000. To certify this, you file the Average Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Certification and Consent to Disclosure of Tax Information (CCC-941) each year. Last updated: 10-01-2021.

Underlined Header Payment Enrollment Forms Underlined Paragraph Content

USDA payments are generally directly deposited with your bank. To set up or change your direct deposit for USDA payments, you can fill out one or both of the following forms. Farm Service Agency customers can fill out the Payment Enrollment Form (SF-3881). Last updated: 02-2003.

Natural Resources Conservation customers can fill out the Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form (SF-1199A). Last updated: 04-2021.