7.1.23 Check Distribution and Automatic Deposit

Distribution of employee payroll checks takes place through one of three ways: campus mail to departments or department pick up in the Payroll Office for Student Payroll only, direct deposit to a financial institution on payday, or available on or after payday at the Student Accounts Building for all Civil Service, Faculty, Administrative Professionals (AP), and Graduate Assistants. Student payroll is distributed every other Friday. Civil Service hourly and exempt payrolls are distributed on the 15th (or closest working day prior to the 15th) and the last working day of the month. Faculty, AP, and Graduate Assistant payrolls are distributed on the last working day of the month.

Note: Schedules with exact pay dates are distributed to all departments at the beginning of each fiscal year for student and Civil Service payrolls and are available in the Payroll Office. There is also a current schedule of pay dates on the Payroll Web site.

Guidelines for Check Distribution

  1. Checks are mailed, through campus mail, to all departments for distribution to employees the morning of payday for Student Payroll only.
  2. Civil Service hourly and exempt employees, Faculty, AP and Graduate Assistants who have direct deposit will have their accounts credited by their financial institution on payday.
  3. Civil Service hourly and exempt employees, Faculty, Graduate Assistants, and students having direct deposit will receive a check advice two to three days prior to each check distribution in lieu of a traditional check stub.
  4. Students receive a check stub attached to their paycheck, unless they have direct deposit of their paycheck.
  5. Checks will be held in Payroll for benefit usage delinquencies or unsigned contracts.
  6. Paychecks for employees with multiple employment assignments are combined into one check (unless appointments are on two different payrolls). To change distribution points contact the following:
    1. Student - Payroll Office at (309) 438-7677
    2. Civil Service - Office of Human Resources at (309) 438-8841
    3. Faculty - Provost Office at (309) 438-2150
    4. Graduate Assistant - Graduate School at (309) 438-2583

    Guidelines for Automatic Deposit

    Automatic direct deposit of payroll checks can be made to any financial institution with ACH/EFT capabilities This service is available to all employees.

    orization/enrollment procedures are completed in the Payroll Office, 01 Hovey Hall.

    Authorizations/changes must be received in the Payroll Office prior to any payday effective for the subsequent payday.

    All checks, including payout checks, will be sent to the direct deposit account unless a revocation form is submitted in a timely manner to the Payroll Office.

    Policy Owner: Vice President for Finance and Planning

    Contact: Payroll Office
    (309) 438-7677

    Revised on: 05/2003