MIC’s Zoning Committee works to improve Mableton’s appearance through enforcement of existing county ordinances and advocacy for improvements to the ordinances. Committee members are available to consult with MIC members and other Mableton residents about problems in their neighborhoods and our community.
Check the Cobb County website for Common Residential Neighborhood Violations to see if a violation exists. The entire Cobb County Code is also available on the county website.
The Cobb County Code Enforcement Reporting System is now online and available to the public for reporting and tracking complaint investigation progress. To access the Code Enforcement Reporting System, click here.
Tips for online reporting: The new system requires that you submit the street number and name. Do not include “Road”, “Street”, “Drive”, “Lane”, etc. There are 3 options to verify the property location in the first reporting step: Address Lookup, Parcel Lookup and Owner Lookup. You only have to enter the information marked “required” for one lookup, not all.
If you are unable to input your complaint and would like help from MIC in submitting it, email us. Please include as much information about the property as possible, including the street address and your phone number, so we can call you with any questions.
If you prefer to report a violation to a Cobb County representative by telephone, dial 770-528-2180.