The Joy of Advent: Complete Catholic lessons for every age, ready to teach 2023-11-01 2023-10-31 Saint Mary's Press 200px 200px
This is such a special time of year. T he excitement of the holidays is mounting, and Advent is about to begin, our preparation for the Incarnation and Nativity of Jesus, ushering in a time of hope, joy, and light for the whole world.
We want to help make this season of joyful preparation easier for teachers and ministers of all ages, so we ’ ve crafted special Advent lessons for all ages that you can download, print, and use in your classrooms.
Feel free to share them with your colleagues and friends or anyone who might need help preparing their lessons this Advent!
Our Advent lessons from Discover! Finding Faith in Life provide complete lessons with activities, instructions for leader s, and Scripture pages for grades 1 – 5!
The g rade 1 lesson, “ Preparing for Jesus, ” features a coloring page and a prayer that help s kids become familiar with the opening chapter of the Gospel of Mark and the ministry of John the Baptist.
Grade 3 prepare s children to celebrate Christ as King by reading and praying with the prophetic words of Isaiah.
Grade 4 builds on Isaiah ’ s writings by looking at Christ ’ s peaceful kingship, matching the “ animal partners ” of Isaiah ’ s prophecy before sharing a prayer that focuses on trusting God.
Grade 5 dives into Mary ’ s Magnificat, teaching children about the important people of the story and exploring the reasons why they too can praise God for h is goodness.
Each grade comes with a family page that children can take home to involve their families in the lesson and to bring what they learn to life outside the classroom .